Bastine Font

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Bastine Font: A Stylish Serif Typeface

Bastine Font, crafted by Afkari Studio, is a stunning serif typeface that effortlessly combines elegance with modernity. This versatile font is a must-have for anyone seeking to elevate their creative projects. With its numerous special alternative glyphs, ligatures, and styles, Bastine Font offers a wide array of design possibilities. In this article, we’ll delve into the features of Bastine Font and explore its licensing options.

Designer: Afkari Studio

Afkari Studio, known for its commitment to producing high-quality fonts, is the creative force behind Bastine Font. With a keen eye for design, Afkari Studio has carefully crafted Bastine to meet the demands of modern typography while infusing it with timeless elegance.

Font Features

Bastine Font is packed with features that make it a standout choice for various design applications:

  1. Alternative Glyphs: Bastine Font boasts an extensive collection of alternative glyphs. These unique characters offer flexibility and creativity, allowing you to customize your text to suit your specific design needs. Whether you want a more ornate look or a minimalist feel, Bastine has the glyphs to match your vision.
  2. Ligatures: Ligatures are an essential element of typography, enhancing the flow and readability of text. Bastine Font includes ligatures that seamlessly connect characters, creating a harmonious and visually pleasing appearance. This feature is especially valuable for logo design and elegant titles.
  3. Multiple Styles: Bastine Font offers various styles, ranging from bold and dramatic to delicate and refined. This versatility enables you to adapt the font to a wide range of projects, from bold magazine headlines to sophisticated wedding invitations.
  4. Brand Identity: For branding projects, Bastine Font is a top choice. Its elegance and modernity can help establish a strong brand identity, making your products or services instantly recognizable.
  5. Magazine Headlines: When it comes to magazine design, headlines play a crucial role in capturing readers’ attention. Bastine Font’s distinct style and readability make it an excellent choice for captivating headlines that draw readers into your content.
  6. Product Packaging: Packaging design requires fonts that are not only visually appealing but also legible. Bastine Font strikes the perfect balance, making it suitable for product labels, boxes, and other packaging materials.
  7. Wedding Invitations: Crafting the perfect wedding invitation requires a font that exudes sophistication and romance. Bastine Font’s elegant design ensures that your invitations leave a lasting impression.

Font License: Free for Personal Use

One of the most appealing aspects of Bastine Font is its licensing agreement. It is available for free for personal use, making it accessible to a wide range of creative enthusiasts. Whether you’re working on a personal project, designing invitations for a special event, or simply experimenting with typography, Bastine Font can be used without any cost constraints.


Bastine Font, designed by Afkari Studio, is a remarkable serif typeface with a multitude of features that enhance its usability. Its free personal use license makes it an accessible choice for all creative enthusiasts. Whether you’re working on branding, magazine design, product packaging, or elegant invitations, Bastine Font is a versatile and stylish option that can elevate your design projects to new heights. Explore its alternative glyphs, ligatures, and styles to unlock the full potential of this elegant typeface.

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